About Us

United Steelworkers Local 8599 Represents the over 2400 members of Classified, Substitute, Child Care Providers, Center Monitors and College Tutors of the Fontana Unified School District in Fontana, California. 


Vice President
Recording Secretary
Financial Secretary
Treasurer/Grievance Representative (Steward)
Guide/ Grievance Representative (Steward)
Trustee/ Grievance Representative (Steward)/Safety Committee Member
Trustee/ Grievance Representative (Steward)/NextGen Co-Chairperson
Trustee/Good and Welfare Chairperson/Safety Committee Member
Outside Guard
Grievance Representative (Steward)
Grievance Representative (Steward)/ NextGen Co-Chair Person
Grievance Representative (Steward)/Women of Steel Chairperson/Safety Committee Member
Grievance Representative (Steward), Women of Steel Committee Member
Grievance Representative (Steward)
Union Representative (Steward), Women of Steel Committee Member
United Steelworkers International Representative