Prior joining FUSD, I was an active member of a local municipality association. In 1989, I was hired as one of the first P.O.S.T. (Police Officers Standard and Training) certified officer with the school police department. I have played an active role to unionize the department and have the department certified as a P.O.S.T. agency. I spent 6 years as the association president representing the department. During my time as president, I have attended several collective bargaining conferences, past member of district budget committee, benefits committee and member of the community action planning. My team negotiated a 22% salary increase to be competitive with other agencies, we were also one of the first departments in the county to implement 3% @ 50 safety PERS retirement, uniform and equipment annual allowance, 4-10 modified work schedule, and district provided protective vests with regular rotation of protective vests. I have spent the last 19 years as a District Liaison with Child Welfare and Attendance. I enjoy helping families in need. The biggest reward is seeing families use the tools that we mentor to succeed with their children. I am honored to offer my knowledge as a union steward to my fellow steelworkers. I have Criminal Justice Degree and Paralegal AAB with Phi Theta Kappa honors Summa Cum Lade A little bit about me, I have coached Little League Baseball for Fontana Community for 24 years In my free time, I enjoy bowling in competitive tournaments.