
Dear Valued Member of the United Steelworkers Local 8599 Family,

I would like to address a mailer that you may have received from a political organization, the Freedom Foundation, under a threatening title “Legal Notice.” The Freedom Foundation is a crooked company funded by big businesses that wants you to stop supporting the USW in order to further their own political goals. This is a direct attack on all of us. You are your Union, and your Union needs your support!

On Tuesday April 16, 2024 United Steelworkers Local 8599 held our Local Union Officers and Grievance Representatives/Shop Stewards election.
The following will be sworn in on May 18, 2024 at our General Membership Meeting 9:00am for a three - year term beginning on May 18, 2024 - May 14, 2027.
Congratulations to all of our Executive Board Members and Grievance Stewards on their continued dedication and reelection. We are pleased to welcome our new Grievance Stewards.

A special thank you to ALL Classified and Hourly Members. We all deserve recognition. There were a lot of candidates for Employees of the Year in their respective categories. There can be only one honoree chosen. Thanks to Virginia Rodriguez, Lydia Wibert and Dawn Dooley, the selection committee for our Union. 
The honorees of the 2023-2024 School Year are:

Thank you to all the DSOs, M & O, Facilities and Custodial Department members that went to work on Monday August 21, 2023 to the unknown conditions of the FUSD sites. With their assistance, schools were able to open as planned on Tuesday August 22, 2023. Please see the attached Memorandum of Understanding regarding the time and one half pay for the day for these essential employees. 

Greetings USW Local 8599 Family,

 May 1st was International Workers’ Day, a day commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers and the labor movement. Education Code 51009 deems the month of May as Labor History Month,  public schools and are encouraged to commemorate this month and bring awareness of the Labor Movement in California and the United States to our students.

Doesn’t it seem that some days there are more struggles than gains?

Please see the attached flyer for complete details. Are you interested in becoming a Mild to Moderate Education Teacher? Here is your opportunity to obtain you Credential from CSUSB. Online Informational meeting scheduled for April 24, 2023. 

Register for our Union Partner Kai Chans information trainings on how you could be elligable for down payment assistance for a house! Please see the attached flyer for information and to register. 

Please read the attached flyer for details. United Steelworkers International is once again offering low to no cost college. Classes start every eight weeks. Earn you AA degree today!