
Please see the attached flyer for complete details. Are you interested in becoming a Mild to Moderate Education Teacher? Here is your opportunity to obtain you Credential from CSUSB. Online Informational meeting scheduled for April 24, 2023. 

Register for our Union Partner Kai Chans information trainings on how you could be elligable for down payment assistance for a house! Please see the attached flyer for information and to register. 

Please read the attached flyer for details. United Steelworkers International is once again offering low to no cost college. Classes start every eight weeks. Earn you AA degree today! 

Join the Women of Steel Walk for Kids TEAM!
I'd like to take this opportunity to invite all our Members and and your families to participate in the annual Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House Wald for Kids on April 30, 2023. 
Why? Because our Women of Steel Committee cares about the Ronald McDonald House community. This is a fun event and a great way to raise funds to support the services and programs of the Inland Empire Ronald Mc. Donald House. This year, we would like to receive many small donations to help us reach our fundraising goal of $1000.00. Will you join us? 

Your vote, your voice! Go to the Union Hall on April 4, 2023 from 6:00am - 6:00pm 16981 Foothill Blvd., Fontana 92335. 

Please see the attached flyer for information on what you will be voting on. 

Please help the NextGen Committee of Local 289M in Washington state celebrate "We're all under the same spectrum of rays" T-Shirt fundraiser supporting the Northwest Autism Center by ordering a commemorative T-Shirt. All proceeds will go to the non profit to help children and adults in need of services with Autism. Most recently, the area has had four centers that were providing support tragically shut down. 

Call the Hall today to reserve your seat on the bus to Viejas Casino and Resort. Mark you calendar for Saturday May 6, 2023. This will be a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House, any person over 21 is invited to join us. We will play bingo and have 50/50, $20.00 per person gets you the bus trip, snacks, a drink of your choice and games of bingo. 
The bus will leave on the west side of the Ontario Mills Mall next to the Off Broadway shoe warehouse. The bus leaves promptly at 7:00am and will return around 5:30pm. 
Please see the flyer for complete details. 

Do you have a child/grandchild graduating in 2023? Please see the attached application for the United Steelworkers Local 8599 Scholarship Grant. The award for this scholarship is $500.00. Scholarship applications are due by Friday April 14, 2023 at 4:30pm, no exceptions.